Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Today we prepared for our next four days of traveling to Italy and in the evening we went to Justine's for dinner. The Achards invited us to dinner for Chinese soup and chocolate fountain for dessert. It was all very good. The Chinese soup was a broth with mushrooms and peppers, and then Vivianne had several bowls of items to add to the soup such as; onions, chicken, beef, egg, and others. We then had bread and several very good cheese choices. Then came the chocolate fountain. The chocolate was so rich and tasted so good. Vivianne had sliced many fruits to dip, and had marshmallows (my favorite), and I definitely indulged on this delicious, ecstasy of chocolate!

We enjoyed more good conversation with the family and a couple of Justine's friends whom we had met in the States when they came for exchange a few years ago. It was fun to see them again.

As we were preparing to head back home Vivianne handed me this beautiful chocolate pumpkin filled with wonderful rich chocolates from a local Chocolatier for my birthday. They are so good to us.
We made plans to treat them to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner on our Thanksgiving day. So I will spend the day in Vivianne's kitchen preparing the meal for them to enjoy when they get home from work. Should be fun. I think the hardest part will be getting the turkey, and I need to get some of my recipes from home. I will also have to do some conversions but I'm excited to still have Thanksgiving this year.
Stay tuned for Italy pictures to come soon.

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