Friday, November 19, 2010

November 18, 2010, Thursday

Great neighbors (who are also our landlords) + champagne + a complex red wine + excellent French cuisine + Limoncino = good conversation and a fabulous evening!

Our landlords who live in the larger part of our flat had us for dinner last night as our trip is coming to a close. They have been wonderful the whole time we have been here. It was fun to see what is on the other side of our walls. Their place is fabulous! They are a couple just a bit younger than us (I think), and they love to travel. They have some wonderful paintings and other items in their home from their many travels. They also seem to enjoy entertaining and their home is set up very nicely for it. They graciously served us the items I named above and it was all top notch and so good. I felt very spoiled. It's hard for me to have people wait on me like that. I discovered Limoncino. This is the drink I wanted to have on our last night in Italy when we did not get out because of the rain and mud. I also tried to order it last weekend at the Italian restaurant but they were out and I was quite disappointed. Daniel and Karin who enjoy all types of alcoholic beverages, just happened to have some and were happy to share with me. I loved it! I really loved it! So much so that they sent the bottle home with me. Only problem is it is open and so I will have to drink it all before we return back to the states. Maybe I'll share with Eric and Taylor.

It was a great evening and this morning my stomach is a bit fragile because it came on the heels of the previous evening, when we took a peer of Eric's from work out for his last night in Strasbourg. Jim flew in from the States on Sunday to work through Wednesday with Eric here in France. This was his first visit to the European office so on his last night Taylor and I met he and Eric in Strasbourg for a little touring about and dinner. After walking around the Cathedral and Petite France we stopped in a pub for drinks. From there we went to an Alsacien restaurant in Petite France for dinner where we shared a bottle of wine. We had a really nice time and it was so good to see someone from the States I think Taylor and I talked incessantly. But he seemed to enjoy the evening so I don't think we drove him  too crazy! I'm sure he could tell we were just starved for conversation with another American.

This weekend we plan to stay in the Alsace region of France and make more discoveries of this area where we currently reside.

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