Friday, November 26, 2010

November 24, 2010 - Wednesday

Today Taylor and I got started on a few of the Thanksgiving dishes that needed valuable oven time that I would not have tomorrow. I made my first pumpkin pie with a whole pumpkin instead of pumpkin puree which you cannot buy here.

Eric said it was the best pumpkin pie I've ever made. Guess that means no more pumpkin puree for me!

I also prepared my sweet potato dish today in my little mini kitchen. Pecans were the tricky ingredient to find for this dish. They don't eat or cook with them much here.

This dish ended up with the best review at the dinner!

I also prepared the raspberry jello today, because it is so different here I wasn't sure if it would turn out and wanted to have time to come up with a plan 2 if necessary. I was so happy later that night when we came home to see that it had turned out perfectly!

After those preparations, Taylor and I met Justine at a large cinema downtown to see the new Harry Potter movie. Taylor had been so excited for weeks waiting for it to come to France. She was quite happy with the movie. This was a much larger theatre than one we went to last week and the seats were much more comfortable and the popcorn a little better but nothing like movie theatre popcorn at home.

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