Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 9, 2010, Tuesday

I have been working on putting together a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for Justine's family. I collected a few recipes from home and took some off the food network site. Each time I go to the market I look for some of the ingredients. I have checked 3 or 4 markets of different sizes so far. I have not been able to find canned pumpkin so I bought a whole pumpkin, sweet potatoes are very tiny and shipped in from Israel, but they should work, Jello...nope, tossed salad it is.  Now for the prized turkey. I have found wonderful skinless, boneless breasts, and all other turkey parts, but a whole turkey is not to be found. I have seen whole chicken, duck, cornish  hen, even rabbits but no whole turkey. I have asked at the different markets about a whole turkey (dinde), and the responses have been a stare like I was crazy, rapid shakes of the head as in no way, and one lady just looked at me and walked away. It's just a turkey! I sent an email to the local butcher in our little town and received no reply. Taylor and I imagine they are still laughing. Okay, time to bring in our secret weapon. Taylor asked Justine for help. She met us downtown Strasbourg today and took us to a very nice large butcher shop. She talked to the butcher for us who immediately started shaking his head no and looked at me and Taylor. Justine, bless her heart, pressed on. He finally agreed we had enough time to order one. Yes, we did it or Justine did. Then the bomb dropped. It would be 17 euro a kg. Seeing as how we need about a 7 kg turkey that would be 119 euro which is nearly 170 usd at the current exchange rate. YIKES! When you all go to buy your $30 turkey for Thanksgiving this year remember me. Needless to say, unless we get lucky and find a whole turkey for a more reasonable price at a market in the next couple weeks, we will enjoy roasted skinless, boneless turkey breasts. They will be much healthier and less mess right! I'm perfectly okay with that.

We walked around Strasbourg a bit with Justine and treated her to a chocolate fondue at one of her favorite cafes to repay her for her efforts.

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