Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 3, 2010 Wednesday

Today was one of those fall days when you get outside and just feel blessed. I was watching the sky all morning and it continued to be dark with little breaks of bright now and then. It looked cold, but with all the eating I've been undertaking I have to get out every day for excercise. Today, I decided to bundle up and skip the run and just go for a long walk. When I stepped out into the gloomy sky I was quite surprised by the warmth of the light breeze. Then as I walked along the sky would brighten every now and then bringing the spots of fall colors to life. It was the kind of day where you could walk forever and just reflect on all you have. I thought about all the wonderful birthday wishes I received in the mail and over facebook and email. I reread in my mind the poem my special aunt wrote for me and sent me in the mail. When you get one of Aunt Kay's poems written for you, you know you are loved. Thank you all so much for sending your thoughts my way, I appreciate everyone of you.

So my gift to you is this display of photos from the new fall plantings in the little village I currently reside. They just replaced all the summer arrangements with wondeful fall colors. Enjoy!

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