Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 21, 2010 - Sunday

Today we did a little Strasbourg touring. We first stopped and walked around at an old Fort in Wolfisheim. We then drove past some of the large government buildings downtown. From there we walked through the botanical gardens near the University. The weather was rainy but it was nice to get out and walk around. Pictured here is a Chateau in the nearby village of Robertsau.

"Ears on the trees" on the grounds of the Chateau.

 We ended our day downtown Strasbourg with lunch in a restaurant where we had Tarte Flambee. It was pretty good but we have been told that they cannot bring wood into downtown Strasbourg, so that is not the best place to have this Alsacien speciality.

Later that evening we made some spaetzle and chocolate fondue. So good!

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