Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 22, 2010 - Monday in Paris

We still have a few train tickets left on our Eurail passes so Taylor and I decided to take advantage of them and go to Paris for a day. Eric dropped us off on his way to work to catch the 6:45 train. Early! Taylor had mapped out our day of events. We bought metro tickets and while in line for them we witnessed the Monday morning rush in the Paris train station. Really something to see. I have a new appreciation for my car and short drive to work!
We climbed the many steps up to Montmarte and did a little shopping and walked in and around Sacre Couer pictured here. Very beautiful. We then had a wonderful lunch in a restaurant in Montmarte. I had my first Beef Bourguignon and it was excellent. Taylor had pasta and then Creme Brulee for dessert.

It was very hazy but this is a view from Montmarte.

Logan asked us to go to La Cinematheque Francaise and take some pictures. We found it with no problem and went inside and walked around and even purchased a nice surprise for Logan!

I had been to Notre Dame two other times and was not able to get inside either time due to the crowds, so today with light tourism, we were able to get right in. The Cathedrals here are really incredible. We have been in so many, yet every time it takes your breath away.
We made our way to Champs Elysees and as we were walking towards it we came across the Paris Christmas Market so we browsed as we walked.
What a nice surprise.

We were on a mission to find Laduree where they make the world famous macaroons. We purchased a box of 8 different flavors. Yummy!

We made our way across the street to a cafe where
we had hot chocolate, tea, a lemon cake and creme caramel. Very nice! Who is spoiled now!

It was getting close to our train departure time but I had one last stop. Last time we were here I saw a gift item at the Starbucks at the Louvre that I did not purchase and wished I had. So we made our way to the Louvre and made that little purchase.

Back to the metro to catch our TGV back to Strasbourg after a really wonderful day in Paris. Taylor got us around perfectly all day. She has been here enough now that she has really mastered this city!

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