Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 7, 2010, Sunday

We slowly rose Sunday morning to a rainy day. We had a wonderful breakfast at our very nice, clean and comfortable hotel. Guenter picked us up and took us on a tour of the area. He was born and raised here and there was much to see. This is a church in one of the nearby towns. Very large and beautiful

Very intricate ceilings in the church.

We went to a couple of  the many castles that are in the area. We walked around the outsides a bit enjoying the views and the history of these old buildings.

After our wonderful guided tour by the expert we made our way back to Guenter and Luzimar's house where we said our good-bye's to Luzimar before heading to a larger city named Ulm for lunch and the afternoon. Luzimar was unable to join us as she had some doctors coming for Brazilian lessons.

The city of Ulm was very nice. I enjoyed the nice mixture of old with new. We had a great lunch of Pfannekuchen's. They are huge German crepes topped with whatever you desire, savory or sweet. Then Guenter walked us around the city pointing out the sites. Unfortunately, it was raining pretty hard and being Sunday the many shops were closed but we still enjoyed the afternoon very much.

The old and the new. The modern pyramid is the library and the old building is the town hall.

This building is now a hotel and is so old it is actually leaning.
The town hall was very beautiful with all it's hand paintings. We also went into the Cathedral which is very much like the large Cathedral here in Strasbourg. Before we knew it 5:00 had rolled around and it was time to say good-bye and hit the road back to Holtzheim.

We had such a fun weekend despite the weather with Guenter and Luzimar and their friends. They are very kind and the ultimate host and hostess.

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