Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 20, 2010, Saturday

We had decided to stay in the Alsace region this weekend and today we wanted to drive along the wine route and see some of the small villages we missed the first time. The weather was decent, cool with a few glimpses of blue sky. The many very small villages were almost barren of tourists. We could see most of the caves were open as we made our way through each village. There were a few people milling about several of the caves. We stopped for lunch at a nice little Winstub and then stopped at a few of the caves and purchased a few last bottles of wine.

We ended the day in Riquewihr which is my favorite little village and stopped in a bakery for tarts and hot drinks. It was getting dark while we were there so we were able to see the Christmas lights coming to life. Next weekend the Christmas markets start and these same villages will be so crowded you will barely be able to get to them.

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