Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 13, 2010 - Saturday France/Switzerland

Saturday morning we headed for Evian, France and Geneva, Switzerland for the last big travel weekend. This was a driving weekend as the drive through Switzerland is so beautiful, and we had already purchased a toll pass for Switzerland and wanted to get more use from it. After several hours of driving through the fabulous countryside we arrived in Montreaux, Switzerland. After stopping for lunch of pb & j in a park along the water we hopped back in the car to drive about another hour around Lake Geneva to arrive in Evian where we had hotel reservations.

It is hard to see in the pictures but as we drove around the lake, we were up against the mountains that were covered in vineyards winding up the whole side. It was really something.

Once we arrived in Evian and once again made it through the difficult task of finding our hotel and finding parking, we went for a walk along Lake Geneva.
It was a fabulous November day, the sun was shining and the air was cool. It felt so good to be walking along the water's edge.
After we walked around the water a bit we made our way into the city center and went into some of the shops.

As the sun began setting over the water we decided it was time to seek out a place for dinner.

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