Sunday, November 28, 2010

November 28, 2010 - Sunday last day

Eric and I decided to take advantage of our last day and drive to Baden Baden in Germany to take in their Christmas market.

The city of Baden Baden is up against the Black Forest. It is a very nice city with a large Casino, many nice homes and some popular thermal baths.

This Christmas market was much smaller but very nice. Many nice booths and lots of good German food. Eric had a large sausage and I had a mix of pasta, ham and sauerkraut with Gluhwein (hot wine) for lunch. It was warm and yummy.

We had a fun last day together. Instead of taking the autobahn back we decided to take the scenic route through the small villages. Most of them were having their Christmas markets also. We stopped at one in Offenburg and bought souvenir mugs with hot chocolate and more Gluhwein.

Time to get back to Holtzheim, finish packing, clean up our little flat and get some sleep before our 3:00 am departure time.

This is it for my blog. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed my travels, I'm coming home!!

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