Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12, 2010, Friday

We had a really successful day today. I did lots of driving, which I haven't done since the one other time I drove back in October. After taking Eric to work I came back and got Taylor and we picked up Justine and headed for Betschdorf, a small village where they have been making pottery since the 17th century. The village is just under an hour from here. There were just enough pottery shops open to keep me from getting too confused. I purchased some beautiful pieces. One for me and some for gifts. Then we had lunch at a small restaurant and headed back towards Justine's house. On our way we got to talking about how we couldn't find any Jello for Thanksgiving dinner and Justine said they sell something like it in Germany and she could guide the way. She took us to a large shopping area in Germany. Not only did we find the Jello like item but guess what we found! Frozen turkeys! Oh yea, we did a little party dance and because they were a bit smaller than I needed we grabbed two. I think I have all my ingredients now for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Now, I'm just going to have to get to work and pray everything turns out. There will be pictures. On top of it all I arrived back to pick Eric up from work in time and never got lost the whole day!

Switzerland this weekend. Our last big weekend road trip. The weather is supposed to be sunny so we should have spectacular pictures to post next week.

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