Friday, November 26, 2010

November 25, Thursday - Thanksgiving

Taylor and I were up with Eric this morning so he could drop us off on his way to work at Justine's house, where we were preparing them Thanksgiving dinner. Justine was so sweet to label her kitchen with post-its of where things were and how to work the oven. Good thing, because I would not have figured the oven out!

I put on my new Alsace apron for good luck and Taylor and I went to work.

We prepared two turkeys, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, raspberry jello, pumpkin pie and apple pie.

Taylor and Justine also invited Claire and Marion for dinner. This was a first Thanksgiving meal for most everyone and they asked what the holiday is. Eric told the Thanksgiving story over dinner and everyone enjoyed the meal. Thank goodness everything turned out fine, even with all our conversions in the cooking process!

We even felt a bit at home, because Laurent (Justine's dad) had the Lions game on TV. ESPN sports is the only station they get from the states with their cable and he loves sports! We then had a little light snow for the first time since we've been here. Happy Thanksgiving!

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