Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 14, 2010 - Sunday

We let ourselves sleep until around 9:30 Sunday morning before getting packed up and looking for breakfast. Our original plan was to drive another hour around the Lake to Geneva, Switzerland. We decided we were not up for adding another hour to the trip for another big expensive city. The gal at our hotel had told us about a spa in the Alps that was an hour away, but an hour toward our drive back home. That sounded like a good way to spend the day. We had a light breakfast in little bakery near our Hotel and before leaving Evian we wanted to seek out the natural springs. We drank for continued good health!
We walked the upper area of the city a bit before heading out for the spa. It was another beautiful sunny day. Evian is a really wonderful, smaller city and we enjoyed it very much. The lake and the Alps make a fabulous combination.

The drive to the spa was amazing as we headed further into the Alps. Les Bains De Lavey, the spa, was incredibly difficult to find but it was worth it. There were marvelous warm pools, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and quiet sitting areas inside a warm, windowed room overlooking the Alps. It was so relaxing and I kept saying to Eric, don't forget to look up at the Alps every now and then and remember where we are. I think we chose the right way to spend the day.
We drove back through Switzerland enjoying the last of daylight and this wonderful country. We stopped in Colmar for dinner at a Winstub, where I had delicious salmon and rice, and then back to Holtzheim after another really amazing weekend.

We do still have two travel days left on our Eurail pass, but Eric has not been able to take time off work, and we want to spend our last full weekend staying in the Alsace region of France where we reside, so Taylor and I are going to take a day and go to Paris this coming week.

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