Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 6, 2010, Saturday Germany weekend

This weekend we were invited to spend with friends from Germany that Eric has kept in touch with over the years. Guenter and Luzimar live in a beautiful neighborhood in the countryside town of Laucheim. From the deck of their beautiful home you can see a castle up on the hill and horses out their back. We enjoyed the beautiful views from their very nice home. When we arrived Luzimar greeted us with open arms and we relaxed for a bit until Guenter came rushing in from the store, with bags of supplies for a party they were throwing for us that night. Guenter is very excitable and high energy and Luzimar (a free lance artist who speaks several languages) is much more laid back. Both very, very nice and wonderful hosts. Eric and Guenter met on a job over 20 years ago and remained friends, and have seen each other over the years a number of times. I had not seen Guenter since our first meeting 20 years ago just after Taylor was born and I had never met Luzimar. Guenter pulled out pictures from 20 years ago when we first met and we had a good laugh at the hair and clothing styles, and how young everyone looked. Guenter had also arrived with a giant apple cake he asked his mother to bake for our arrival. So we enjoyed cake and drinks and quickly reunited. Guenter was thrilled to see what a wonderful young lady Taylor had grown into, he remembered seeing her as a baby for the first time. After our cake and conversation we headed for the Limes-Thermen spa. These are natural mineral water hot springs baths. They had several different rooms with large pools of very warm natural mineral hot springs. We started in the outside pool and then moved to a room with nice blue lighting and gentle scent that was very relaxing, then to the large center pool where they have a live jazz band, then to the hot tub and to the cold tub and back to the hot tub. We had a great time and it was so relaxing and wonderful. The water was so clear and soothing. It was getting time for the party so we went back our hotel to get ready and Guenter and Luzimar went to prepare.

Guenter and Luzimar had invited two other couples, one whom Eric had met on his last visit and another who were recently married and good friends of Luzimar. They all spoke English very well as do Guenter and Luzimar. Jeff, one of the guests is actually from Michigan and we had a great time getting to know all of them. As soon as we arrived Guenter went to work preparing a traditional Brazilian drink called Caipirinha (Luzimar is Brazilian born). It was so good, strong but so good. I drank mine and most of Taylors. It is made with lime, sugar, lots of ice and cachaca which is a Brazilian liquor. So so good, I loved it! We had some munchies and red wine and many many other drinks. Guenter almost makes a hobby out of his liquor collection and his very happy to share.

They grilled some awesome steaks and we all sat down to the most fabulous meal of steak, potatoes, salad, breads, and much more. All extremely delicious.

We ate and drank and talked and ate and drank and talked. We all blended very well and had such a great time. I learned alot about Germany and what it is like to live there. After we were over stuffed Guenter suggested we bundle up and head out for a walk. It was cool and a bit raining but not bad and the fresh air felt great. It was fun to see some of the other homes in the neighborhood. We returned to the house and settled into the living room where we talked and drank a bit more until after 2:00. Guenter had already set up a ride back to our hotel, so we were escorted to the hotel and it was a good thing because Eric passed out as soon as he hit the bed and I was certainly in no shape to drive. What a blast of an evening and a great party.

Taylor was given quite a nice gift from Guenter. You'll have to check out her blog!

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