Friday, September 10, 2010

9/9-10/10, Thursday-Friday

A good part of Thursday was spent playing housewife with some cleaning, financial stuff, cooking, a run, grocery shopping and something that is not part of my normal "houswifely duties". Master fly chaser/killer. The flies oh the flies. The weather has been so beautiful here that we like to have the windows open. The windows are very different and open from the top in, or from the side in. There are no screens, so we have many flies. We asked our friends about this and they explained that no one has screens. I guess the flies just don't bother them. So we tried to tolerate them, but this was not to be. Hence, my fly killing spree. If you have time you must read Taylor's blog from Thursday, 9/9/10. She tells the story in a much more entertaining way, along with her post from 9/5/10, Sunday (I promise you laughs). Her blog address is

Friday, Taylor and I headed to Strasbourg to see the Parliament building and spend the afternoon in the L'Orangerie which is a beautiful park.

The Parliament was not at all what I expected. I thought it would be very old and intricate like in London.

It was a perfect day to wander around L'Orangerie. Just after we entered we found a small rose garden where we sat and ate the lunch we packed ourselves. We then made our way through the park, which was lovely. There was a small waterfall, a tiny lake with rowboats, and many beautiful gardens. So far everywhere we've been, the villages and the larger towns, the locals all seem to have a green thumb. If I lived here the pressure might be too great for me. I might have to hire a gardener. We sat for a bit by the lake and during that short time saw two wedding parties taking pictures. We also saw what we think were two nannies each with two of the most precious little children, dressed so adorably I was tempted to stop them and ask if we could take pictures. They looked like little European catalog models. So sweet.

After dinner Eric and I walked another area of our village. These past two nights we discovered a couple different neighborhoods with wonderful homes. Some  afternoon I will  get out and take pictures of some of my favorites!

Tomorrow we plan  to get up early and head for Colmar , which is a very old village with no cars and very quaint. I'm thinking it might be like our Mackinaw Island. Will let you know with pictures.  On Sunday we will report in on our trip along La Route du Vin!!! 

I wish you all a great weekend and thanks for reading. Over 70 readers yesterday!

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