Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/6/10, Monday, Labor Day for USA

Monday, Labor Day, Eric is up and off to work. No Labor Day here! He had a very good first day and is looking forward to his assignments.

Taylor and I showered and headed off to seek out our bus station to find our way into Strasbourg. Taylor made plans for us to meet Justine in the City Centre. We had another fabulous blue sky day for our first bus/tram adventure. We handled (thanks to Taylor) the bus and tram  like pros and before we knew it we were in Strasbourg with Justine.

Justine showed us the best shopping and eating spots in Strasbourg and also gave us a mini tour of the theatre district. I would really like to see a show while we are here.

For those who did not know, Justine is the exchange student we had at our house a few winters back. She just happens to be from Strasbourg. Also, Taylor stayed at her house in Strasbourg the next year as an exchange. She is very, very sweet and speaks English fluently.  She will begin her first year at Universitie (fr.) next week. We have plans to go to dinner at her family home Tuesday evening.

After some shopping and wandering, we bid Justine au revoir and made our way back on the tram and bus. We stopped at our local bakery for fresh bread to have with dinner. I prepared our first meal in "tiny kitchen". It was okay, nothing to make a cooking show about, that's for sure. Eric and I had a glass of Rosé from the Alsace region with dinner.

After dinner, Eric and I walked around our village and enjoyed the gorgeous flowers and gardens and talked about his day at work. This will probably become a habit with no English speaking stations on TV except for the BBC. A nice habit I'm thinking. Especially with our new found love of bread and cheese with dinner.

Bon Soir

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