Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/14/10, Tuesday

Big plans today. Daniel our landlord told us we could borrow their bikes anytime we wanted, so last night we asked for them for Tuesday. I thought it would be fun to ride bikes into Wolfisheim, one of our neighboring villages and check out any shops they might have.  We got all set to go and loaded up the bike bags and I noticed that one of the bikes had a flat tire. Bummer and it was such a beautiful day for a bike ride. I told Taylor we could walk there and then have Eric pick us up on his way home from work. It is approx 4 to 5k away. She agreed, so off we went. The walk there was nice but there is really no place for a pedestrian so we constantly had cars flying past us. We made it to the little village and much to our dismay there were no shops to be found. We walked to the opposite end of the village (the long way of course) and the only places to be found were the Super U (like a mini Meijer) and a small Asian market. Taylor was being a really good sport but I know she wanted to strangle me. We wandered around the Super U picked up a few items and now what. It was an hour or more before Eric was to get out of we walked home. I'm sure we put in over 10k today after walking around all weekend which was fine with me, but the traffic made it rough. Somehow I'm thinking this was not Taylor's favorite day since leaving home. I think we'll save our shopping for Strasbourg where we can take the bus!

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