Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/21/10, Tuesday

Taylor and I headed for the Strasbourg train station to schedule some more of our weekend trips. We were able to get good reservations for this weekend in Paris. I'm really looking forward to going there with Eric since he was not with me last time I was there. Will take lots of pictures.  We were however, shocked to find that even with our Global Eurail passes it would be an additional 600 to 650 euros, almost 1000 usd, to travel to London where Taylor really really wanted to go for her upcoming 20th birthday. I felt bad saying no, but yikes, that was not happening. So we are set for Paris this weekend and Nice the following. We are planning a 4 day weekend to Italy when Eric has All Saints day off here. That will be next to schedule and will be soooooooo cool.  All Saints day is Nov 1, so we just happen to be in Italy for my 50th birthday! Eric wants to go to the Porsche Factory in Stuutgart, Germany for his birthday weekend so we will drive there for Oct 16, and then on the 17th, go on to Rothenburg, a neat old walled city Eric has wanted to show me.

After our train station duties we took the tram and bus over to Germany. Just across the border there is a little shopping district where things are a bit less expensive. I was hoping to find a backpack for this weekend but the shops were not my style. Taylor did find an adorable little skirt and sweater at a shop that had some cute younger styles so that helped cheer her up a little from the London bummer.

Back home to cook up dinner and then we were able to Skype with Brandon, Lindsey and Carter. So good to see their faces. Really trying not to get homesick.  Taylor and I watched the new episode of Castle on hulu and off to bed.

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