Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9/25/10, Saturday in Paris

Up early to catch an early train to Paris. Arrived in Paris just after 9am and headed right to our hotel just outside of the city to drop off our luggage.

Found the hotel, a Best Western, with  no problems. The staff was very nice, we left our luggage, freshened up a bit and headed back to the metro to discover Paris.

First stop, Notre Dame. As we approached the plaza in front of Notre Dame, there was a wedding party coming through, honking horns and stopping to snap a couple photos in front of the Cathedral.

The plaza was full of tourists and it was slightly chilly, but a nice day to view this grand Cathedral.

We walked around the side to the gardens and then walked around to the other side where Taylor was able to point out the Hunchback sitting atop the Cathedral. It was much smaller than I expected.

Taylor had us touch Point Zero in the Plaza in front of Notre Dame. It seems that means you will return again someday. It's working for her. This was her third time here! Check out those Burberry kicks, pretty cool huh! Thanks Logan.
We bought some sandwiches for lunch from a vendor next to the Cathedral and ate them on a park bench in this park on the back side of the Cathedral with the local pigeons. While we were waiting for our sandwiches we saw two girls in their upper teens go running by, with long skirts flowing, and screaming with a man chasing them. He did not look happy. We found out they were gypsies and he was a street entertainer and they had just helped themselves to his income from the day. Wow, that was crazy.

From Notre Dame we headed across the bridge over the Seine River in search of the Shakespeare and Company bookstore. It is located in the Latin Quarter and Ernest Hemingway was known to frequent the original store.

We did a bit of wandering trying to locate the store but the Latin Quarter was full of activity, with shops and places to eat down small alleyways. It was a fun search.

The original is on the left and the newer one is on the right.

We spent over an hour perusing the books, the pictures on the walls and taking in the quiet and surreal feeling of this old bookstore. It was fun to wander through and take it all in. Taylor purchased a gift and I bought a book that will be perfect reading while here in France.

We made our way along the Seine River enjoying the scenery of Paris along the way. We were working our way towards Avenue Des Champs Elysees and to the Arc De Triomphe. 

Eric thoroughly enjoyed his pain au chocolat (no e) with his double espresso at a cafe where we took a break on our way.

Taylor had Creme Brulee and it was delicious. I know Lindsey and John, wish you were here too.
We walked down Avenue Des Champs Elysees doing a little window shopping along  the way. Taylor and I popped into one of the stores and it was jammed with shoppers.  We did some people watching and then we arrived at the Arc De Triomphe where we  walked around a bit and took lots of pictures. 
I loved the flower carvings in the top of the Arc.
We found this really neat English Pub to eat dinner on the way to the Eiffel Tower. It was a micro brewery and the food was superb!
We ended our walking tour of Paris at..... you got it.... the Eiffel Tower. 

Taylor enjoyed her cotton candy while we walked around and took in the Eiffel Tower

While waiting for the Eiffel Tower to light up at dark we relaxed in a nearby cafe with a little nighttime snack of macaroons and cappuccino. Good thing we walked miles and miles today!

After a successful day of Paris sightseeing we arrived back at our hotel exhausted. Eric stepped out onto our patio and what a view. We had no idea we had a view of the Eiffel Tower and the city lights of Paris. Awesome! Great day!

Tomorrow the Louvre.

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