Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/8/10, Wednesday

I forgot to write about my big breakthrough at dinner last night. I awkwardly learned and participated in the French traditional way of greeting and departing with our friends when  we were their dinner guests. The French kiss on both cheeks like we Americans hug. This was a big step for this not so huggee American. I actually thought it was kind of fun. Eric was telling me that in the mornings at the office his co-workers greet this way, except the men shake hands between men. I was trying to picture this at my office when I return to work in December. It makes me giggle to think of some of my co-workers greeting this way each morning.

I spent most of today working through my finances(missing my paycheck) and rebuilding my lost spreadsheets. Once I made good progress, I handed Taylor her laptop back and went out for a run. The weather was very strange today with blue sky, sun, and then dark heavy clouds and bouts of wind on and off all day. Every time I head out anywhere I can't get over how different it is here. It is so Hansel and Gretel.

Taylor made two great discoveries in our little flat today. She found an awesome drying rack that we can use for our clothes so we don't have to fry them in our tiny dryer and back in the lower cupboard she found a good sized food steamer. Since I don't have an oven, I'm quite excied about this. The user's guide was with it but none of it is English, so I will have to find some instructions on line, but this will be great for some of our meals. Ahh, the simple things in life.

We had a quick dinner tonight of sandwiches and fruit so we could head out for IKEA. We found it with a little jogging around and made our big pillow purchase. Hopefully this will help us sleep better. We seem to be having a hard time either with the time change or the sleeping accomodations. Not sure which. I forced myself to get up earlier today, hoping that would help me get to sleep at night, but it is after midnight and I'm still up. I'll adjust. My mind has so many things running through it at night, so many changes.

Thanks for reading. Not sure what is all up for tomorrow but we are going to begin making our weekend plans. Stay tuned, right now it's looking like some wine touring and a trip to Colmar. Whatever we decide I will put out pictures so you can ride along.

Off to bed.

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