Monday, September 20, 2010

9/17/10, Friday

Had many accomplishments today. I was able to settle our tickets and hotel for our weekend to Nice in a couple weekends. We also went to an outdoor market in Strasbourg and purchased a gift for Whitney. Yeah! Got some mailings taken care of at the post office and almost spent too much for a backpack. There is a brand here that is really popular in purses and backpacks called Longchamp, so of course this is the backpack I think I must have, however it is quite pricey. I was almost to the checkout and my practical side stepped in and said take it back to the shelf. So I did. Problem is we are 3 weeks into the trip and I still don't have what I want for our  day trips. I may make a trip to Germany a hop skip from here and see how much it is there. France has high taxes included in everything so it very expensive to buy anything here. Had a great day in Strasbourg and headed home. This was the second time we ended up on the same bus home as the school kids. We need to time that better. Spent evening packing and make our last minute plans for this weekend in Switzerland.

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