Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/5/10, Sunday

Living room

Tiny Kitchen
This is our main room. Nice and bright.

This is our entire kitchen which includes a washer/dryer in one (on the right). So if you look closely you  will not see an oven or stove. We have a toaster oven and a two-burner unit. No cookie baking here, but since they don't sell chocolate chips here who needs to bake? The tall unit on the left is not a pantry it is storage for the brooms and cleaning aids. No  vacuum. For those who know me well, just imagine me not vacuuming for 3 months! The refrigerator is the unit where the towel is hanging and to the left is the mini dishwasher. That's it!

Stairway to upstairs where our bedrooms are. Dangerous

The upstairs has a large unit at the top of the stairs for all of our clothes. To the left is Taylor's room which is very nice with a desk and a large skylight. To the right is our room, bigger than Taylor's and nice also. Our beds are typical French which means very small and hard with flat pillows. Not terrible for sleeping, although we have an IKEA not far from here so we are going to go buy pillows. Also, the landing has a small sitting area with a skylight that is nice for reading or watching shows on the computer through hulu. I love hulu!

Our car.  Citroën c3. Small also, but nice. I seem to use that word small here alot. My Commander is going to feel huge when I get home. Gas prices here are around $8 to $9 a gallon but has not really been an issue because this car is diesel and gets unbelievable mileage. I have not driven yet and am  petrified to. Eric has done very well driving, no surprise there. I, however will not be so good. The roads are so narrow and even though the car is small, driving is insane. Cars, trucks, bikers, mopeds and pedestrians are all sharing very small roads and I'm sure to wipe someone or something out. Signage is very good, but there are twists and turns everywhere and I will be lost for sure. I will give it a try, just not yet. Taylor and I are doing fine with the bus, the tram and our feet!

Sunday, Taylor wanted to stay put, unpack and get settled in, so Eric and I headed for Strasbourg to wander through Le Petit France. The weather has been fantastic since we arrived and we wanted to take advantage of another beautiful day. Eric drove down as close to Strasbourg as we could get and  we walked in. We first toured the Le Cathedral that Strasbourg is famous for. It is unbelievable.

We walked the narrow steps to the top for a beautiful view of the City.

Impossible to show the reverence, beauty and intricacy of this remarkable Cathedral. It was constructed from 1176 to 1439 and today is the sixth tallest Church in the world. After the hike back down the tiny staircase we wandered into Le Petite France.

I can't think of a more spendid way to spend a gorgeous Sunday afternoon than wandering around Le Petite France with my sweetie!

A glass of Bordeaux with spaghetti and pizza at an outdoor table in front of the Cathedral to end our day! Bon Appétit!

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