Friday, September 24, 2010

9/23/10, Thursday

This was a really great day! Beautiful blue sky and warm sun today with a forecast of rain and cold for the next week,  so Taylor agreed to ride bikes with me to start our day. I found a bike path on a loop through villages and beautiful scenery  that is just about an hour long.  It's an easy, flat wonderful ride and a nice break from running for a few days. So we rode the loop, and I could tell Taylor was having the time of her life, then made lunch and prepared to take our bus/tram ride into Strasbourg for some shopping.

We were on a mission to find the H&M. Everytime we have been in Strasbourg we see many people carrying H&M bags and have been watching for it. Taylor looked it up on the internet and mapped it out. She's so good at that. We found it right away and realized we had walked around it many times we were in the city and never realized it. It's in a rather large mall, but from the outside you don't really realize there's a mall there. It looks like a big hotel. I was beginning to feel a little at home especially when I saw a little kiosk that was selling popcorn! I miss popcorn! Then we noticed that same kiosk sells corn cups. Yes, that's right, little cups of sweet corn you eat with a spoon. I really don't have the corn thing figured out here. Everywhere we go whether driving, running or biking you see large corn fields, yet you cannot find fresh sweet corn in the markets, so it must all be field corn. Anyway, next time we go back to that mall I will be getting some popcorn. We had a great time at the mall, Taylor made some purchases for herself, we also noticed that there were as many shops for men as for women. I think men are much more into fashion here. Just as we were headed into a candy store our phone rang and it was Eric calling to tell us he was headed into the city to meet us for dinner.

We have only been out to dinner a couple times since we left home simply because we are living on one income right now and hmmmm our bills at home didn't go away.  Imagine  that. Anyway we decided this was the perfect opportunity because the weather was ideal to sit outside. Eric asked for a couple recommendations at work, where his co-workers have been wonderful sharing information, and he met us with those in hand. We headed for Petit France to check out the recommended spots. On our way Taylor stopped in a small shop to stock up on her post cards and we looked around a bit. While we were in there Eric spotted a menu for an Italian place that was just down the alley and had good prices, and a good looking  menu. We all voted yes and decided to save the recommendations for another time.

We had a wonderful meal, Eric had a pizza and Taylor and I had pasta dishes. We were having a really good time and I was thoroughly enjoying my meal. Now I have to explain what happened next. Taylor and I can never eat our entire meal so we typically share a meal back in GR, or we get our own and take the rest home for lunch the next day. That is a no no here so we each ordered our own dish. Of course, we each only ate about half our pasta and were stuffed. Now, I grew up in a family of 5 kids and then I was a stay at home that raised 3 kids on one income, so you have to understand that throwing away food, especially delicious food, is just not in my make-up. So I did it, I told Taylor I needed to take my leftovers home for lunch the next day. She was not happy with this at all. It is just way to American, but being the good daughter that she is she attempted to ask the waitress when she came to clear our dishes. Disaster struck. This darling, poor young waitress had no idea what we were asking. She thought I didn't like my food and she looked quite distressed. I felt horrible for her and I felt so bad for Taylor who knew this was not a good idea and was terribly embarrassed. So I will not do that again. I learned my lesson, I promise.

When we got home we were able to Skype with Logan and Whitney and get caught up with them, which was wonderful for me.

Great day with lessons learned!

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