Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9/26/10, Sunday in Paris

Little bit of a slow start this morning with some complications with luggage lock up and Taylor's metro ticket. Once these were resolved we were headed for the Louvre. Taylor, the master of maps, not only toured us about the city yesterday but also kept on us track with the metro. Now she had the map of the Louvre in hand and we followed her off to see the Mona Lisa.

I've seen the Mona Lisa before and something about this painting still catches my attention. I think it's her look of wise serenity.

Napoleon the third's apartments were amazing. Everything from the floor to the ceiling and in between is dripping with artistry, and the chandeliers were exquisite.
I did not see these the last time I was here and really enjoyed this part of the Louvre.

Venus de Milo, the statue that is believed to be Aphrodite.

This was by far my favorite statue. It is of Amphitrite, the Goddess of the Sea. She is holding a shell and has a child with her who is also holding something from the sea.

It was amazing to look around and realize most of these statues were outside for years and years. And the creation of them, I can't imagine. So many artists and so much time spent. Really is astonishing.

With sore feet and great admiration for the history and brilliance of those who created these marvelous paintings and sculptures, we enjoyed some time shopping in the gift shop, and made our way out of the Louvre through the Pyramid.

We easily found our way back to the train station, retrieved our luggage much easier than the drop off, and waited for the TGV back to Strasbourg.

Paris was busy, easily traveled, the food was wonderful, and the sightseeing memorable. It was so nice to share with my hubbie, and again with my daughter.

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