Tuesday, October 5, 2010

9/30 - 10/3/10, Thurs-Sun in Nice, France

We are off to Nice in the South of France. I am going to the French Riveria, this is big for a beach lover like me. We arrive at the train station in Strasbourg with tickets in hand for the night train to Nice. We begin to fill out our Eurail pass calendar which is required before boarding each time we travel. This reminds a certain someone in our party that this certain someone, who shall remain anonymous, does not have their passport. We are to have our passports with us at all times while we are here. Especially as we travel around by train. Panic stricken, this person takes off back to Holtzheim during rush hour to retrieve such passport. As I wait watching the clock so many thoughts are racing through my head. Accident, speeding ticket (which could still come in the mail, they have cameras and will mail tickets if you are caught by a radar speeding and the fees are astronomical), getting lost which is so easy to do around here, or not making it back in time for the train, it will be so close. So me, not be able to sit around and wait, start pacing, watching the clock, watching the train schedule, walking to and from the platform. Then I hear that oh so familiar voice, thank you Lord,  a little out of breath, but safe and just in time, heart pounding.
We board the train and find our sleeping cabin. We are really getting used to tight quarters over here but this is tiny. Only one person can be in the room standing sideways at a time, so once in your bunk you don't get out. There are three beds on each side with little sleeping bags and a pillow on each. We get settled in our little beds, thrilled that we are the only three in our cabin, and I'm feeling like I'm camping again, so I'm okay with this. We all take a sleeping pill and Taylor and I do some reading as the train moves on down the tracks. Unfortunately, our private little cabin begins to fill as we make stops along the way. Now, I'm not so okay with this. Now, I'm stressing that someone is going to bother Taylor who is just above me, or take my purse with our cash for this trip, and my cards and passport. So I try to relax but I pull my purse up behind my back and keep an ear open to make sure Taylor is safe. It was just too wierd to have three strangers sleeping in this tiny cabin with us, two of them men. However, if you can get over that, the night train for a 12 hour journey is truly the best way to go, because when the sun came up in the morning we opened our cabin door and saw the fabulous Cote d Azur! The adrenaline started to flow and I could not wait to step off this train and start our weekend.
Taylor slept great on the train and was feeling good. Eric and I were just a bit queasy, but the excitement of what we were in for moved us through this huge city in search of our hotel. Nice is the second most visited city in France and is the second largest French city on the Mediterranean  coast. Thanks to good advance planning we found our hotel with no problem and freshened up and changed into our clothes for the day.
We made our way to the Vieux Nice (old town) and wandered through the maze of streets and alleys, full of boutiques, restaurants and picturesque houses. As we wandered I kept reminding myself to look up and take it all in. It is impossible to describe or photograph these long, narrow alleys. The history and beauty of them takes my breath away every time we enter the old towns throughout Europe. The architecture here is different, it doesn't have the old beams exposed and the different designs in  the shutters. It has a more Italian look and is colorful  and wonderful. Beach town!
There were many shops with spices, perfumes, soaps, flowers and fresh meats, fishes and fruits and vegetables.  I had a Pan Bagnat, which is a local speciality tuna fish sandwich for lunch and we made our way out of the old town.

We hiked up the 90 metre climb to the Colline du Chateau overlooking the city of Nice. There was once a castle here, most of which is gone but the view is worth the hike.
There was a beautiful tiled sitting area on the way to the top.
A view of the city from the top. You can see the Alps in the distance. It was a beautiful clear day and the beach was calling me. So after taking in some clean air at the top and relaxing for a few minutes we made our way down to the Promenade Des Anglais.
The promenade was my favorite area. It follows all along the Cote d Azur with many runners, bikers, rollerbladers and pedestrians. The beach began to fill as we made our way down to the waters edge. People are much more open here. Some change right out on the beach and others don't bother with both pieces of their suit at all.

As the water splashed onto shore over the rocks it was the most beautiful color of light blue. It also made the most wonderful sound as it fell back out over the rocks. I really wanted to get in the water and swim. There were many people enjoying the glorious sea. I did not have my suit on, but did get my feet wet.

We all three stretched out onto the rocks and enjoyed the sun and sound of the water over the rocks. Eric and Taylor dozed off for a bit and I just listened to the water and loved the beach.

We tore ourselves away to head back to our hotel and make dinner plans.  We got settled into our room, which was decorated smartly, and our bed looked so cozy, and the bathroom was all tiled and had a large tub. Nicest hotel accommodations we have had yet. We changed for the evening and headed toward the port where we read the food wasn't quite as pricey.

We drooled over the unbelievable yachts in port and dreamed about what all these people must do to be the owners of these amazing boats in this amazing place.

We didn't see a place we wanted to dine along port so we made our way back around to the promenade just in time to catch the sun going down into the Mediterranean. We made our way one block from the promenade to the square of the Cours Saleya. This is where the flower market starts the day and then transforms into restaurants throughout the day into the evening.

We found a perfect restaurant with a menu we all agreed on. The atmosphere was warm and inviting. We were sitting outside under the lights of the awning at the restaurant on a balmy evening in the French Riveria. So of course Eric had to order the Mussels. They were fabulous.

And I along with the strongest Margarita I've every had in my life (but it was yummy), had a seafood pasta! So rich and so good. We had a relaxing and fun time. There were some street entertainers doing some gymnastics and dance moves to their band, we were surrounded by restaurants, people strolling and across from us was an American style restaurant that had a full house and a fun crowd.

We also had superb service and a waiter who kept making small talk with Taylor. He kept making these funny nods of his head when he was looking at me towards her. I couldn't figure out what it was all about but he was cute and happy, I knew that. Taylor explained when we left the restaurant that he had asked her out when he was facing her and Eric and I couldn't understand the French, but Taylor could! Now I know why he told Eric and I we should send Taylor to the University here in Nice. Sorry cute waiter boy, she has an American boy waiting for her at home that we all love. But thanks for the great service and extra attention.

Taylor ordered Tiramisu for dessert and we had cappuccino's to end our meal. We thanked our waiter and started our way back to our hotel. We went through a square with a very pretty fountain and a street with some very nice shops.

Taylor enjoyed a bath in our tub and I crashed instantly in my cozy white fluffy comforter and slept through the night waking refreshed and excited to another beautiful sunny day.

Taylor had asked if we could rent scooters today so we planned to ride them along the coast to Monaco. I first wanted to see the Cours Saleya in the morning with all the flowers and fruit and other stands. It was fascinating. We walked along the markets taking in all the freshness of everthing. We then made our way around the corner to the promenade for breakfast.

We found a place to have breakfast with a view of the beautiful blue sea. Many  people were running the promenade, the beach was filling up with sun worshippers and the water was scattered with swimmers and boaters. I would have loved to put on my suit and spend the day swimming and soaking up the sun but Taylor and Eric wanted to scooter so off we went.
The views along the coast were breathtaking. Again, pictures and words cannot tell the feeling of awe to God's beautiful creation.
Okay, so I've resisted saying this on this European assignment of ours, but after this I have to say it. How cool are we! It's 70 and sunny and we are cruising along the French Riveria on scooters. Okay, Okay, maybe not as cool as those who go speeding by us dripping in make-up designer name clothes I've never even heard of, and diamonds, driving cars Eric only dreams of, but pretty cool for three Michiganders.

The views and the color of the water.....really stirs ones emotions

We arrived in Monaco in about 40 minutes and made our way to the port where we parked our scooters and that cool factor I was just talking about disappeared quickly.  We had just landed in the world of the rich and famous. Surrounded by the most expensive of yachts, cars and accommodations. Monaco is immersed in wealth. This is a life I will never know and I'm okay with that.
We found a nice little place to have sandwiches at port. I think  we were surrounded mostly by those who had just come in off a cruise ship, so we didn't feel too out of place. We enjoyed our surroundings and our lunch and hopped back on our scooters towards Monte Carlo. Maybe we can win millions at the casino and be wealthy too. I'm sure it happens all the time.

Monte Carlo was right around the corner from the port so we found it right away, parked our scooters, and walked passed amazing hotels and top name brand shops to the casino.

I was going to pop in and purchase a little bauble at Cartier but who needs it!
No Vegas strip or lights here. Just very pricey cars and lots of class. This is Monte Carlo. We really were not dressed properly but we couldn't resist taking a peek inside. We were able to enter the casino but to get in the room where the serious gambling takes place there is a cover and I think a special id of some kind. We were not sure. We did however go into a room where there were slot machines and we gave Taylor her first experience at gambling. Needless to say we left a little lighter in the pocketbook (not too much I'm way to cheap to lose much money).
And Taylor gained the bragging rights of doing her first gambling at Monte Carlo. Luckily gambling is not something any of us care much for but it was fun to see this place. After seeing how some of the very wealthy live we made our back to Nice where we have a deadline to return the scooters by. We had a little time left as we entered Nice so we tooled along the Promenade and I enjoyed the scenery. I definitely had the best deal of the day as I see it, because I just rode on the back with Eric, checking to make sure we kept Taylor in eyesight. I was able to take in all the scenery and not worry about the drive, but Eric and Taylor enjoyed driving. That girl of mine is a brave one to get on that scooter is this traffic and city. She did fabulous! I would have been petrified!

We returned our scooters and took the tram back to our hotel. We changed for dinner and made a little shopping stop on the way at the coolest little shop. Taylor bought more gifts for friends, we got a little something for Logan, and went to seek out a restaurant in the same area we ate the previous night. We had another very enjoyable meal that started with excellent complimentary champagne for all. Even Taylor enjoyed it. Then Eric had beef, I had fish and Taylor had a Hawaiian pizza. Dessert was included in the meal so I had Chocolate Mousse....oh so good! We finished with cappucinos again and chatted with our waiter who was working his way traveling around the world. He was taking a pit stop in Nice to earn some more money and planning to head out in two more weeks to continue his world tour. Really neat kid. Another fabulous dinner!
We took our time strolling back to the hotel, taking in as much of the city as possible and walking off a few of those delicious calories. I don't want to leave tomorrow. I want one more day to spend on the beach. But work and the pocketbook don't see it my way so back to the hotel to pack up for the next day of travel.
This time I enjoyed that wonderful bathtub before hitting the fluffy bed.

 We had our last breakfast in Nice along the ocean again as it was filling up for the day with sunshine and beach goers. Oh just one more day.......please..........

Just one more look and we were off to the train station.

We headed to the nearest tram and witnessed first hand what I've seen on the European news before. A young man with a little too much Saturday night fun  stumbled onto the tram tracks and fell right in front of the tram as it was coming. A young well built man standing next to us ran and helped another passerby get him off just in time. He stumbled onto the tram talking nonsense to himself. That was close. But it was nice to see people jumping to his aid. Before we knew it we were back on the train for a days travel home. The scenery the whole way home was mesmerizing and really helped pass the time. Wow! We kept pinching ourselves and asking each other if we really just lived that weekend. We need these memories to last forever so we don't lose these amazing days in our lives.

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