Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 13, 2010, Wednesday

I have been wanting to go to a place called the Musee Les Secrets Du Chocolat. It's a chocolate museum/factory not far from here that does daily tours. Since it is another beautiful, cool, sunny day Taylor and I decided this was a good day for it. I did my weekly cleaning of the house and we got ready to go. Just as we were about ready Daniel knocked on the door because he had some mail for us. I told him our plans and he suggested we take the bikes, which I was quite excited about. So he got them ready for us, gave us some directions (kind of), he also brought over a coupon  good for one free entrance, and he called ahead because he has a friend who works there and told him we were coming. Daniel is so awesome to us. So off we went on the bikes to the chocolate fun right?

Remember, getting around here is not easy. We headed out on the bike path with map in hand. Just under 3 hours later we were back home after riding in a huge circle (I think). I looked again at the maps at home and still cannot figure out where we rode let alone how to get to the museum. Seriously frustrating, but had a nice long bike ride which Taylor was thrilled about. We decided the only way to get there was via the bus to the tram to another tram to another bus. This route is spelled out on the brochure so we couldn't go wrong right? The only problem is it takes us way out of the way from where we live to where the museum is.

When Eric heard our tale he suggested we try again tomorrow and drive it. I have not driven yet. But for chocolate I can be persuaded. So he and  I headed out to do the drive so I would be prepared and be able to find it. Driving directions map in hand we headed out with me driving. I was surprised how quickly everything came back to me driving a stick. Now I just have to deal with the road signs and traffic. With Eric directing me we headed down the Autobahn and even with the driving directions we couldn't find it. Eric was not going to give in so I got off the Autobahn and pulled over so he could take the wheel. After more turning around we finally spotted it but still could not find the road up to it. We went back to the beginning of our instructions and redid the route for the third or fourth time, not sure, and finally had success. We made it to the parking lot! It looks pretty cool too. So back home for tonight and tomorrow I will get up and take Eric to work so Taylor and I have the car and I will attempt this on my own! A few extra prayers will be prayed tonight!

Hopefully I will have some chocolaty  pictures posted in a day or so with a story of success.

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