Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21, Thursday

This blog is not going to be about another fun and exciting European travel adventure as the others have been. We are more than half way through our 3 month assignment and as I knew it would, reality is coming to the forefront.  Don't read me wrong, this is not a complaint by any means. I know this is the opportunity of a lifetime as so many have told me. I just want to get out there some of what goes along with the opportunity of a lifetime.

When we first realized this trip was really going to take place, I was very excited to take a break from my crazy life. I was working full-time (and a little stressed with that), I have two homes to take care of, one of which is up for sale in this tough market, two pets, a husband (who is nothing but helpful), and a crew of wonderful children, grandchildren, family and friends (all of whom I wish I had more time for).  But when we were presented with the idea that we would be living in Europe for 3 months we did what we needed to do to make it happen. Who wouldn't? This meant me resigning from my job (they have no leave of absence for these types of situations), asking many, many family and friends to cover my responsibilities, of which I have many with work, the bills, the houses and the pets, taking care of our appointments and prescriptions and other details to be out of the country for 3 months. This was by far the hardest part, I do not like to ask for favors. I know it's a strong word, but I hate having people do things for me. I'm a doer.

So I now find myself more than half way through the assignment. The time has passed pretty quickly and the experience has been awesome. However, the pains of distance are becoming more real each day. Eric is working long days and Taylor and I are doing our best to make good use of our time. I cannot remember having time like this since I got married and went to work over 30 years ago. I know what you're thinking. What I wouldn't do for even one free day. Believe me, if  I was home I would be thinking  the same thing. I know I need to learn to relax and make the most of every moment. Taylor is much better at this than I am. The loss of my income is taking a toll on the savings account because the bills at home did not go away, and I keep thinking I could be making better use of my time. My family is having issues (and this kills me) due to the distance, and the guilt of having others cover my responsibilities at home is painful.  I am trying to make the best of this incredible opportunity, there is a lesson here somewhere and when it is time to go home I will know what that is.  Maybe it's that I cannot control everything all the time! I appreciate so much all of you who are helping me out at home. I look forward to the opportunity to return the favors. I know the simple things I never thought about before will be relished like; having a conversation (I feel a bit deaf and dumb here because I cannot understand or speak the  language), holding and playing with my grand babies, having dinner with my children, seeing my extended family, getting in my car and knowing how to get where I'm going, having a bath and shower that I can turn around in, laughing so hard I almost cry at some of things Barb and Don (from work) shock me with, a paycheck, my special little house in Ludington that always restores me, making a purchase without being shocked by the price, my cozy bed, large kitchen, television, popcorn and movies, and so much more.

I warned you this was not my typical blog, just a little reality check. Hope I didn't bum you out. Just want you all to appreciate the everyday things in your crazy lives. I have no complaints by any means. I know I am very blessed in life. God is good. I'm really trying to learn the word relax, but that's a tough one. I think I'm going to learn to knit!

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