Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 12, 2010, Tuesday

We found a place last night thanks to a hint from the Archaud's that carries Diet Pepsi! So happy. The place is named Lidl and they had really good prices especially on beverages. It was not a very big market but they had an entire aisle of beer and wine. Most of the wine was under 3Euro. We have not had bad wine since we've been here so we decided to buy a couple of the Bordeaux (which is becoming my new favorite red). One of them was under 2Euro and the Superior was under 3Euro. We opened the lesser of the two and it is quite good. Amazing.

Enjoyed a nice run today under the blue skies. Started to get a bit stir crazy this afternoon so scanned the French cookbook to see what I could do. I made the Vichy carrots and potato salad to have with our turkey for dinner. Then I wanted to make a tarte or a souffle but I only have a toaster oven so I went to the food network website and made Alton Brown's Brownie recipe. Yummy! Shocking the butter and sugar in scratch brownies. I shared with Daniel and Karin, our wonderful landlords. They very much enjoyed.

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